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3 Multi-Unit Maintenance Strategies that Keep your Tenants Happy

To foster a positive relationship, landlords need to prioritize effective communication, use technology to streamline maintenance, and reduce the disruptions caused by repairs. When handled properly, these strategies not only improve tenant satisfaction but also increase property value and retention.

Happy tenants hero

Managing multi-unit rental properties comes with its own set of challenges, and balancing maintenance with the comfort and convenience of tenants can be a tough one. Fostering a positive relationship with tenants is crucial—not only for ensuring tenant retention but also for enhancing property value through timely feedback and improvements. By considering tenants’ schedules for in-unit maintenance and by minimizing disruptions while communal space is under construction, landlords can build trust and encourage open communication. This trust leads to tenants being more forthcoming and frank with concerns, providing valuable insights into potential upgrades and renovations that can boost property value.

In this article, we will explore practical tips for working harmoniously with tenants during maintenance, ensuring that their lives are minimally disrupted while maximizing the benefits for both parties. By adopting these strategies, landlords can create a more cooperative living environment that promotes tenant satisfaction and long-term property success. This introduction sets the stage for discussing strategies that benefit both landlords and tenants, emphasizing the importance of communication and consideration in property management.

1. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Discuss the importance of clear communication between landlords, tenants, and maintenance staff.

Suggest methods for effective communication, such as dedicated maintenance request portals or apps.

Let tenants know of upcoming maintenance ahead of time, and when possible, consider their schedules when planning construction work. For example, If the in-laws are coming to visit this weekend, try to get the railing on their balcony fixed the week prior, or push the sanding and staining job on their stairs to the following week. Consideration for their schedules around disruptive maintenance, benefits the odds of tenant retention and could result in them coming to you with concerns more frankly and frequently, which is great feedback for continuing upgrades and renovations.

2. Invest in Technological Upgrades that Increase Rental Value

tech thermostat
tech thermostat

Maintenance Management Platforms: Use digital platforms that allow tenants to report issues, track maintenance requests, and receive updates in real-time. This transparency reduces uncertainty and enhances tenant satisfaction.

Smart Access Control Systems: Implement a smart access control system that logs and monitors all entries and exits of maintenance personnel. Tenants can be notified via an app or email when maintenance staff are on-site, providing transparency and peace of mind. This system ensures that tenants are aware of who is entering their building and when, which is especially important when work needs to be done inside individual units.

Visitor Logs and Notifications: Maintain a digital visitor log where tenants can see when maintenance staff or contractors were on the property. This log can be accessed by tenants to track past visits and anticipate future ones, reducing uncertainty and fostering trust between tenants and management.

Smart Upgrades: Invest in technology that not only improves the property’s value but also the tenant experience. Smart home devices like keyless entry systems or smart thermostats can make daily living more convenient and appealing.

3. Minimize Disruption and Maximize Courtesy to your Tenants

Staggered Maintenance: In multi-unit buildings, it’s crucial to coordinate maintenance activities in a way that minimizes disruption across all units. Stagger repairs or upgrades, especially in shared spaces like lobbies, elevators, or laundry rooms, to ensure that not all residents are impacted simultaneously.

Zone Scheduling: Divide the property into zones and schedule maintenance work in one zone at a time. This approach ensures that other areas of the property remain unaffected, allowing tenants to continue their daily routines with minimal disturbance.

Rent Discounts or Perks: Consider offering small incentives for tenants who are flexible with maintenance schedules or who agree to major work being done while they are away. This could be in the form of a rent discount, a gift card, or even a complimentary service.

Cover accommodations: If it needs to be done, consider paying for a night or two at a local hotel during major renovations like flooring or bathroom renovations.


Implementing effective multi-unit maintenance strategies can significantly enhance tenant satisfaction and improve property management outcomes. Clear communication, technology integration, and minimizing disruptions during repairs are essential to maintaining positive tenant relationships. By prioritizing tenant convenience, such as scheduling maintenance around their availability and using digital platforms for transparency, landlords can foster trust and encourage open communication. Moreover, investing in smart upgrades and offering perks like rent discounts or accommodations during major renovations further solidifies tenant loyalty and retention. These proactive measures not only create a more pleasant living environment but also increase the property’s long-term value, ensuring mutual benefits for both landlords and tenants.


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